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So it's time to start this blog!

Writer's picture: Dominika Dominika

Updated: Jul 21, 2019

Hey there! Welcome to DOM's Blog!

I've never wrote a blog or published a post on social media in my entire life, so please... have some patience and understanding :) As I have no idea how and where to start...

But I know one thing.. I am not going to google "how to write a blog" and just make it as I go! And I hope you will find my blog interesting and unusual as its writer..

It would make sense to start at the beginning I guess?

So, let me do a brief introduction into DOM!

Some might have correctly spotted, that my name is Dominika. And Yes, Dom is pretty much how I have been called for most of my life!

Some might have also correctly spotted that DOM means "Home" in polish language. And Yes, I am originally from Poland!

Since one of my biggest passions is domestic interior design and anything that is connected with it (including cute handmade decorations :)) and my purpose as a designer is to make your home a special place, where you can be yourself, I could not imagine a more suitable name, but DOM..

And here I am... about to start my first post!

So, what is the idea and purpose of this blog?

I promise I will try to be brief! (You might have already noticed, I do like to talk. A lot! If not, this is a small, gentle warning :))

I am qualified and practicing Architectural Technologist with Postgraduate degree in Fire Safety. I'm quite technical, with an eye for detail and desire to find best solutions.

But... I love crafts, arts and home decors. I adore fluffy cushions and rugs and I understand how to design solid and waterproof construction.. Because I am a very creative person, I realized that I am missing that fluffy and crafty world in my job! So I decided to study Interior Design and focus on something that reflects my personality!

As I am working full time as Technologist, the course I am doing is part time, which means that I only get the basic information due to time constrains..

I decided to create this blog, to pretty much guide myself through various aspects of interior design, like different styles, historical influences in interiors, cultural diversions in everyday house life, as well as critical principles of a good design including colors, spatial awareness, design rules, materials and finishes, etc.

It will be incredible, knowing that anyone who comes across this blog will find it useful or interesting!

And if there is anything within the interior design field that you find interesting and would like learn about it, please please do let me know! I will be more than pleased to explore the subject and provide the best information on it I can find :)

What about Do IT Myself and Crafts sections?

Well, as I mentioned above, I am quite technical and I love solving problems, what nicely ties up with manual works..

Give me boxed IKEA furniture at any time and a screwdriver, and you won't see me for a couple of hours... until I emerge from under cardboard boxes, exhausted, with my hair in a mess from the frustration reading IKEA instructions.. But with a big proud grin on my face, as I am delighted with myself for not giving up and throwing not matching pieces throughout the window...

So, yes, I love hand made decorations, crafts like candle or soap making. I hate wasting materials, objects, so I aim to reuse most of the leftovers boxes, candles, wood pieces etc.

I love renovating and bringing old, rusted or worn furniture or decoration items back to life! As everyone and everything deserves a second chance ;)

The idea of these two sections is to share my experiences of learning various crafts and trying to design some furniture pieces or wall/floor finishes and do them myself.

Again, I am hoping that someone eventually will find this useful. If not, at least have a laugh with me, while reading my struggles with learning how to use a drill or how to glue things without gluing my fingers together.... :D

Finishing up...

Wow.. I know I promised to be brief..

Let me tell you one thing - this is actually quite brief :) I could go on for hours talking about my love and passion for decorating and pretty stuff..

I hope you enjoyed that small intro and will be back to check on my exciting posts about interiors or my crazy Do It Myself ideas :)

Thank you for your time!!


First Blog, First Post, First Business Card.. Good Start!!

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