I love those random creative solutions that pop into my head at least expected moments!! Like in this case, while arranging fresh clove flowers in my glass water jug I realized that all won't fit...
Bugger... I am not wasting any of these precious flowers...
Luckily, a simple solution appeared like a flash of light!! Not having a spare vase or other jugs, searched my flat for something that resembles a vase and spotted empty plastic juice bottle that that I just drank.
That will do! It still has the original brand label and sadly it's a tricky one to remove - oh these new products and their branding skills, how much I don't like you! You are so robust ;). I tried to remove it for a while, but it just didn't happen so I decided that I ain't wasting any more of my time, something has to go over it to disguise it!
Going through my current crafty / art supplies, I came across some fabrics and mesh that I could use. Hence I decided to got for a "rustic" look.
Here is the list of everything I used:
medium size clean and dry plastic bottle (ideally you want to use something with a wider bottom for greater stability)
hessian fabric
canvas fabric (strip)
double-sided sticky tape
glue gun

The process is very simple! It shouldn't take more than couple of minutes (unless you end up scrubbing the unremovable label, then consider this job as the infinity...)
Start with making sure that the bottle is clean and dry (otherwise the tape won't stick - daa obvious :))
Then measure out the desired length and width of the hessian fabric. Make sure there is enough fabric in length to have the two ends overlapping at least 20mm.
To attach the hessian fabric to the bottle I used double sided-tape. I think covering the perimeter of the fabric and perhaps center line should be sufficient to secure the fabric.
If want your fabric to extend beyond the point where the bottle's neck starts, make sure to place the tape lower than the fabric perimeter (see below image - indicating position of tape lines that worked for me).
Before sticking the fabric onto the bottle, to create more rustic and raw look, single strands of the hessian fabric can be pulled at the cut ends. This will gives nice unfinished and rough effect! In addition, strands that were pulled out can be reused as a finishing touch to the rustic look, or kept for another project. So don't throw it out yet and keep it in your "scraps and everything box"!
As mentioned many times before, wasting precious materials gives me a heartache, and I try to re-use it anywhere and anyhow I can (I always find myself working on something and then realizing - if inly I didn't throw this box out, I need it now!!!! )
Anyhow, once the fabric is fixed to the bottle and you are happy that it is secure where the ends meet, do the same with the canvas strip (again ensuring that there is at least 20mm overlap at the ends). Place the canvas at any height you prefer, I like the symmetrical layout. You can attach it with the double-sided tape, but I found it wouldn't stick to fabrics as well as to bottle, hence I improvised with the addition of hot glue gun! Oh yes, burnt fingers, here I go again.... (I think I need a class on how to use glue gun safely ;P)
Now it's the time to add the last, but not least peace to achieve that rustic effect (This is what actually creates that mood / effect, as the devil is in the details) - Hessian strings that were pulled out the fabric few minutes earlier - told you! reusing, recycling everything!
Look for the longest 2-3 string that can be wrapped around the bottle. If you can't find one, just tie up two separate strings instead, then wrap them around the bottle over the canvas strip and tie it up at the end. I like to leave about 50mm of the string out, to add even more to the overall rough, ragged look.
And there is the finished simple, but yet stylish re-vamped bottle vase that took about 5 minutes to pull it together!
I am quite sure it took me a lot longer to write this post than to gather all the materials I needed and complete the vase including drinking its content ;)
I hope you enjoy this simple idea and are already gathering all empty bottles and jars in intention of giving them a second life!
See you next time!